Week 14 - The Lord is near!




I live in a city where block walls of six feet and higher enclosing backyards are the norm. In this transient place isolation reigns. Knowing your neighbors is uncommon and it’s downright difficult to be close to them. It is in this context that I find myself focusing on the phrase “The Lord is near…” In a society that thrives on division, where people in cities and neighborhoods increasingly live in seclusion often self-imposed, these words from Psalm 145:18 grab me.

Families and friends may be broken apart or separated by miles but the Lord is near! In Deuteronomy, Moses encourages the Israelites with this knowledge as does the New Testament writer of Hebrews. In fact, Jesus’ final words before He ascended as recorded in the very last verse of the very last chapter of Matthew’s gospel were: “I am with you always…”

I am captured by the line in a song penned by Ben and Sara Lunn: “I’ve got you by the heart and I’m not leaving.” YES, friends...He’s just that near!

1 comment:

  1. I love thinking about the nearness of God! It's so comforting.


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