Week 13 - Part Two

I have concluded that my idea of “due season” and God’s are vastly different. In my world, I have an app to order a fully cooked meal and pick it up within minutes. I can get almost anything I want delivered to my door within two days. (Actually overnight, if I would spring for the extra money.) There are very few things in my world that are not instantly available. Perhaps part of the reason I struggle with delay in seeing certain Biblical “promises” or prophetic “words” fulfilled is that my instant world is losing its value for “process”. And yet, James 1:4 says “…let the process go on…”

“What is your due date?” A universal question asked incessantly of every pregnant woman. When I was expecting children, I knew my due date, but I also knew that it was only an estimate. I understood that there was a “process” underway to ensure that my baby would be fully formed and developed before making his/her appearance.

In Galatians 4:19 the Apostle Paul speaks of travailing in birth for his spiritual children “…until Christ is formed in you…” Perhaps you’ve been in a “waiting room” for what seems like an interminable amount of time. If that is true, maybe this scripture can be the friend that waits with you—the friend that reminds you that your time of waiting—this time of “process”—is productive with a value that cannot be fully measured in the moment. A friend that encourages you with the truth that something is being formed in you that is worth waiting for.

“…and you give them their food in due season.” If you haven’t yet received your “food”...maybe, just maybe, it isn’t anything you’ve done wrong or God punishing you for some unknown, unconfessed sin... perhaps instead, it’s just not your “due season”.

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