Week 10 - July 28, 2015

Greetings friends! I apologize for the tardiness of this post. This afternoon we returned from a 2,000+ mile road trip. I just have to tell you that Montana is surely one of God's masterpieces! I agree with  Psalm 145:10 "creation...applauds You, God." I wanted to stand and clap about 9:15 p.m. each evening as we watched the sun sink over the mountains. King David must have been someplace like Montana when he penned this Song of Praise! 

As we move into week 10 of Summer Song, I thought it might be useful to post the meditation suggestions that I handed out with the original study guide. I hope you are still reciting the Ashrei. (see Change Your Lens...Change Your Life!) Speaking this beautiful song aloud will change your atmosphere. Be blessed this final week of July 2015!   

Your kingdom is a kingdom
that will last forever.
Your rule will continue
for all time to come.
Psalm 145:13a NIRV

  • Read & re-read the passage.
  • Ask The Holy Spirit for insight and revelation.
  • Explore different translations.
  • Journal your thoughts/revelations/questions regarding this passage.
  • Write out this verse(s). There are many studies that indicate writing by hand engages the brain in learning and enhances memory…among other benefits.
  • Is there a word/phrase that “chooses” you?
  • Is there an action that David meant to inspire with this passage? 
  • PLEASE share your thoughts with us.

Week 9 (July 21, 2015)

11-12 They will not be silent; they will
of the grandeur of Your kingdom 
the wonder of Your power until 
everyone on earth who has ears to hear knows Your 
valiant acts
 & the splendor of Your kingdom. (Voice)

Disaster, calamity, upheaval, tragedy, ruin…

Yes, the media knows how to talk and not be silent… Sadly their theme is catastrophe upon catastrophe!

A few days ago as I was reading an article in a magazine given to me by a friend I came upon the most incredible word: Eucatastrophe. It is a term coined by the great writer of “Lord of the Rings”, J.R.R. Tolkien. This word came from joining together a Greek word meaning “destruction” preceded by the Greek word for “good”.

He defines it as “The sudden happy turn in a story which pierces you with a joy that brings tears…” Tolkien further states that, “…this is indeed how things really do work in the Great World for which our nature is made...”

In God’s kingdom it’s always good news! What looks like disaster, calamity, upheaval, tragedy, ruin is transformed…in His hands catastrophe becomes eucatastrophe!

Week 8 - July 14, 2015

Creation and creatures
applaud You, God;
Your holy people bless You.
Psalm 145:10 (MSG)

Our tendency is to look at verse 10 as simply a beautifully constructed piece of poetry that David placed within the context of one of his amazing songs. But, perhaps this verse deserves a second look…

The Bible is full of references to “creation” doing things that we have reserved for us human-types:

  • In 1 Chronicles 16:33 trees of the forest are encouraged to sing.
  • In Psalm 65:13 the meadows shout for joy and sing.
  • In Psalm 69 the heavens, earth, seas and everything that moves in them are instructed to praise God.
  • In Psalm 98 the rivers clap while the mountains accompany them singing a joyous song together.
  • In Isaiah 14 juniper and cedar trees are gloating (yes gloating!).

What this tells me is that since the beginning of time—and perhaps even before—the entirety of God’s creation has been engaged in a symphony of praise to its Creator; a symphony that we are invited to join…not initiate. The song of those redeemed may be the greatest song but it is not the only song!

God is Great, God is Good - Week 7 - 07.07.15

Many of us as children learned specific prayers for specific occasions. Remember the bedtime prayer: “Now I lay me down to sleep, I pray the Lord my soul to keep…”? Then there is the mealtime blessing: “God is great, God is good. Let us thank Him for our food…” God is great, God is good… A simple child’s prayer that encapsulates the most important things we need to know about our Father.

He’s not predictable, His ways are not understandable, His methods don’t very often line up with ours, His timing doesn’t usually mesh with our plans…however we can trust and relax because… God is great, God is good.

I love the following C.S. Lewis quote from The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. Two of the characters are engaged in a conversation about Aslan the great lion king, who in this story is a type of Jesus Christ:
     “Safe?”… Who said anything about safe? ‘Course he isn’t safe. But he’s good.”

As you meditate this week keep in mind that pretty much all we need to know is: God is great, God is good. A life lived against the backdrop of His greatness and His goodness is bound to be amazing!

PSALM 145:9
The Lord is good to all.
He shows deep concern for
everything He has made.